Get To Know Heyday Homestead
Heyday Homestead was created by Brycen & Emma Ek who met while serving in Peace Corps in Macedonia in 2015-2017 as community development and education volunteers. Upon completing their service, Brycen & Emma decided to move back to Brycen's old stomping grounds in the Flathead Valley to get married (yay!) and pursue what can only be described as their dream life: to be modern-day homesteaders and community-oriented advocates and educators about this type of work.
Brycen & Emma's homestead is a long-term project! Currently it involves an indoor organic microgreen operation, multiple organic vegetable and herb gardens, various food preservation techniques, a composting systems, all DIY non-toxic household and hygiene products,17 chickens, thousands of vermicomposting worms, a playful Aussieollie named Kate, and 1 very well loved Macedonian cat named Sparta. Their future plans are to improve infrastructure on the farm in order to improve farm efficiency and create a space in which the community can come to learn, grow, and enjoy.
Have a heyday! Join Brycen & Emma on their journey in homesteading and community devepment.